Tuesday, March 8, 2011

House Diet

Hooray!  3 more bags of stuff gone today. 

I Freecycled some cloth diapers that D was tired of futzing with.  The velcro was starting to go, and while I would have used them to the bitter end, he is actually the one who does a lot of the diaper changes, so I smiled and replaced them.  They still had enough life in them that I felt guilty throwing them out.  One quick note on Freecycle with my best attempt at an accurate report of their condition, and 24 hours later they are gone!  I hope that the person who picked them up is happy and gets lots of use out of them.

One bag of clothing donated to our MOMS Club Clothing swap.  This one doesn't really count volume-wise, because tomorrow I will attend the swap and look out some bigger summer clothes for the girls.  The clothing swap is a nifty fundraiser in so many ways.  I get a tax deduction for the FMV of the stuff I donate to it; I get the opportunity to buy items for the girls at $1.00 each; and all those $1.00s from all the moms in the club add up to a nice amount of money which the club donates to a local charity.

One more bag of the girls' outgrown clothing to a friend with twins almost exactly one year younger than B&C.  I still have one more bag of outgrown clothes for another friend with a younger daughter, and one bag of assorted stuff for Goodwill.  I'm also collecting a box of stuff for the MOMS Club's garage sale fundraiser, which can't come soon enough!  Oh, and Santa Clara's Annual Clean Up Campaign is coming up soon, too.  We'll be able to get rid of some e-waste there.

Meanwhile, I've bought a fair amount of yarn recently.  Tuesday Morning got a new shipment with some nice organic cottons, so I grabbed a bunch of that, thinking of some spring shrugs or cardis for the girls.  And Bobbin's Nest Studio (my totally awesome Local Yarn Shop) was having a Mardi Gras sale today, so I got some navy blue wool to make a hat for D.  It's like there's some vacuum that wants the space to be filled.  I think I'm still at a net reduction in volume, though!

I haven't managed to work on Girl Friday the last couple of days.  It's been dishcloths and a garter stitch swatch for a scarf/shawlette I want to start soon.  And, having recently broken my crochet drought, I started a sunhat for one of the girls out of some yarn I had leftover from an afghan I crocheted a couple of years ago.  The pattern looks super-cute; I hope my efforts look half as good when I'm done.  I'm hoping to also use some other scraps of yarn to crochet flowers to trim the hats with.  Since the base yarn will be the same for both hats, I want to put different colored flowers on them.

See, I was just going to type a couple sentences, and here we are.  Now, I'm going to go put a couple of rows into Girl Friday.  The real problem there is that I'm near a decision point about how long I want the sweater to be.  I hate making decisions!

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