Monday, June 13, 2011

Second Sweater Syndrome

I found dresses I liked for the girls' 3-year portraits, got home with them, and discovered that the blue yarn I'd gotten on sale at Tuesday Morning this spring would be perfect for little lacy shrug sweaters to go over the dresses.  I cruised Ravelry and found a pattern I liked, which was even in stock at my local yarn store.  I took a little time to swatch for gauge and check for shrinkage by washing the swatch, but once I cast on, I blew through the first sweater.  The second, not so much.

Many knitters talk about "second sock syndrome" where the second sock of a pair lingers on the needles or never gets finished.  I have second sweater syndrome.

I am plugging away, a few rows per night.  Having the deadline of wanting to get the portraits done soon is helping keep me focused.  Barely.  Pictures when (no, really, when) I finish.